Our Projects

Agrium Kapuskasing Phosphate Operations Open Pit And Tailings Reclamation Project

Initial 2014 work was fully warrantied at the owner’s request with a supporting 5 year performance guarantee bond. Bond was dissolved in 2019 without any claims due to vegetation still performing very well. As multiple years worth of thick nitrogen fixing vegetation is composting, a layer of organics soil is now starting to build up all over the mine site.

Town Of Aurora

Service Completed: Culvert Repair and Stream Channel Rehabilitation

Location: Aurora, ON

Description: ‘s planning and expertise led to these culverts being saved from failure and allowing them to continue to function without being replaced. Once they were repaired, the stream channel was reconstructed. The successful completion of this project saved road closures, money and helped to protect the local environment. 

Iron Ore Company Of Canada

Service Completed: Construction of new Sedimentation Pond

Location: Labrador City, Labrador

Description: was responsible for all aspects of this project.   was involved in the engineering process, drilling, blasting and water management as well as the construction process from excavation to the installation of the HDPE liner and concrete head walls. Once the pond was approved for use, successfully commissioned it without deficiencies or callbacks. 

snowmobile Trails & Bridge Repairs

Service Completed: Bridge Repairs 

Location: Foleyet, On

Description: The 101 Snowmobile Trailmakers Club in Foleyet was faced with closing part of their trail system because three of their bridges were unsafe for the groomer and snow machines to cross. All three bridges were remote and had difficult access due to the wet terrain. After discussions with the Ontario Federation of Snowmobile Clubs and Temiskaming Abitibi Trails Association, was not only able to provide safe access , but we repaired the bridges allowing them to be used again. was also able to make several trail improvements.  

Establishment of Exploration Access

Service Completed: Access roads and drill pads

Location: Northern Ontario 

Description: ’s proven ability to restore land disturbed by mining operations , often in difficult terrain, prompted this long time client to ask if we could help them access several drill site locations. The establishment of safe, stable roads through spruce swamp, often several feet deep have allowed them to not only transport crews and equipment directly to drills, but more importantly allow access to emergency personnel and limit the environmental impact to surrounding areas. 

Hydro seeding/tree seedlings instalation Hard to Access areas

Service Completed: 



Innocon / Lafarge

Service Completed: Sediment capture and containment swale reinstatement. 

Location: Toronto, ON

Description: This site drainage and sediment capture and containment swale and pond was not only near the end of its life cycle but had also been overrun with invasive Phragmites and other vegetation. In order to ensure this system continued to function as designed our client called on to remove and properly dispose of the built up sediment and vegetation to re-establish original grades and elevations. ’s team worked with trusted local partners to ensure all materials were removed, transported and disposed of in a safe and environmentally responsible manner. Upon the successful cleanup and re-establishment of the swale and pond imported topsoil was installed and the site was seeded! Reduced access, heavy traffic, poor ground conditions and the environmental sensitivity of the site location were no match for ’s team! 

Hwy 11 New Liskeard

Service Completed: Culvert Replacement Project, Site cleanup, grading and revegetation

Location: New Liskeard, ON

Description: This highly visible culvert replacement project on Highway 11 near New Liskeard, ON extended through several seasons.  The task of bringing the project to final completion and Provincial Ministry approval was entrusted to . Removal and disposal of debris, as well as temporary erosion control geotextiles, followed by final grading of the site was completed prior to the installation of topsoil!  The topsoil was stockpiled on site but required specialized low ground pressure equipment to be located and graded. ’s expertise and experience working on difficult terrain and slopes allowed this work to be carried out safely and efficiently. The new placed native soil was harrowed to establish a suitable seedbed and neat contoured finish.   Finally, fertilizer and seed were broadcasted using ’s LGP dozers with three point hitch mounted spreaders! This site was revegetation with excellent results shown by the end of the first growing season! 

Whitney Tisdale Pump Station

Service Completed: Landscaping and Hydroseeding 

Location: Porcupine, ON

Description: supplied and installed topsoil to required areas prior to seeding.  The site was hydroseeded using ’s specialized reclamation seed mixture allowing for quick germination and root development protecting from slope and swale erosion on this sensitive site.  also completed grading and contouring outside of the site boundaries to ensure positive drainage and improve aesthetics. 

Iron Ore Company of Canada

Service Completed: River Diversion / Fish Ladder Installation

Location: Labrador City, Labrador

Description: Created a 400 metre river diversion including the installation of fish ladders.

Erocon stands behind the quality of its material and workmanship.

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